Thursday 29 December 2011

Thank you, thank you, thank you... and a brief update

As the year comes to an end it only seems appropriate that I thank those who have stood by me (us) on this leg of our adventure.

John - always John.  For everything.  There are not enough words to tell you how truly wonderful this man is. 

A, B and D - They are my reason for being now and always.  They are the reason I chose to have treatment.  I will continue to fight and get well for them.  On the days that it's easier to give up they are the reason I get up and keep going.

Mom, Dad and Jess - Thank you for your love, patience and forgiving me when I don't answer the phone.

Jess B. - Thank you for having a sense of humour, taking me on road trips, trying on hats, keeping me in check and supplied with cake.  Thank you for keeping me a part of the team at work; you really have no idea how important this is for my mental health.  Thank you for keeping it real.

Thank you to Binky and Mel who got me through the first part of this journey and Holly who jumped on board 6 months in.  It mean so much to have people in my life who live it and understand it.

Thank you to many friends who call, visit, ask questions, bring food, flowers, treats and offer rides.  Thank you for the emails, messages and words of encouragement. Thank you for looking after our pets and occasionally our children ;) Thank you again for contributing to my Gamma Music Playlist which I still draw strength from.  Thank you for understanding when I decline invitations; I want to be with you but I know my limits.  Thank you for your patience and love. (I would list you all but then if I left someone out I would feel terrible and you know who you are).

Thank you to the amazing teaching staff and educational assistants at Stuart Baker E.S. and J.D.H.E.S..  I have really stepped back this year and I wouldn't have been able to without their support, diligence and love of my children.  It has lightened my load considerably knowing that all three are being both educated and nurtured at school.

Thank you to my colleagues, management and board members at Community Living Haliburton County who helped us pay for Christmas.  Thank you again to Jess for raising awareness.

Thank you to those who have sent us money and gift cards.  I was trying to think of a better way to say that but to be honest it is what it is.  We are grateful beyond words. 

Thank you to our community for supporting our small business(s) BLACKberry Fields and John Black Carpentry. Thank you for purchasing our eggs, chickens, preserves, blankets, hats and scarves.  Thank you for  understanding when John takes time away from your project to be with us at medical appointments.

We are still at the beginning of this adventure but we are optimistic about the outcome.

I had an MRI on the 21st of December and though we still can't see my AVM due to tremendous swelling. The swelling is beginning to dissipate but slowly.  The hope is once the swelling goes down the side effects will also settle down.  I continue to alter my diet to help with inflammation.  I continue to sleep, a lot. Next brain MRI is scheduled for June and hopefully we will see my AVM and a reduction of blood flow too and from it.  Long term goal is still June 2013 to be AVM free.  Thank you for trying to understand what a very long process this is.  My seizures appear to be under control but I am far from well.  I'm trying.

We are continuing to run tests on my funky heart BUT my brain is still taking top priority.  I have not asked or want a formal diagnosis.  My Cardiologist respects this choice.  My medical team in Toronto is amazing - I thank them as well - and are only an email away if I need them.

B is scheduled for heart ablation surgery on March 19th.  After speaking with his Cardiologist last week we are confident we are making the right decision and the risk of complication is low.  His Neurologist supports this decision.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.  Sending you much love from the hill.


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