Thursday 15 December 2011

Reflecting on a year...

One year ago I had my first CTScan.
One year ago I got the news that something was wrong; very, very wrong. 
One year ago John and I kept a huge secret from our family and friends.
One year ago we thought, believed and prepared for the worse.
One year ago I cried so many tears, lived in fear and suffered silently with John by my side.

Six months ago I had Gamma Knife Radiostatic Surgery.
Six months ago we knew something was wrong but we had a plan to fight.
Six months ago our friends and family rallied around us and gave us their love, support and strength.
Six months ago I had hope and was optimistic about the future.
Six months ago I still cried, was less fearful and talked a lot, to anyone who would listen, about my rare disorder with John by my side.

Today I am a survivor.  I have obstacles and side effects but I am a survivor.
Today I am still me. Authentically me.  A little dented and damaged but never broken.
Today I surround myself with the most amazing people.  I am truly blessed.
Today I continue to be prepared, I still have hope and the future looks a bit brighter.
Today I have fewer tears and less fear.  I continue to advocate for myself, and now our son, with John always by my side.

Thank you for your many random acts of kindness, thoughts, prayers and generosity.  You know who you are and we as a family will always be grateful.


  1. I always knew and believed that you would find a way of getting through all of this. Looks like the big man upstairs was listening to everyones
    Joe Ficker

  2. Beautiful post Stephanie. Lots of love!
