Wednesday 8 February 2012

Listening to my body

As a woman, mother, wife and employee I have often pushed past discomfort, pain and exhaustion to get just one more thing done.  My body was trying to tell me to slow down, take a break, STOP but I often didn't listen - if ever.  The constant pressure I put on myself  to do and to know often left me feeling grouchy and tired by 7pm.  But I never listened.  I carried on.

 My AVM diagnosis interrupted my life and the side effects of treatment has left me "disabled" or differently-abled. I was forced to start listening to my body or immediately suffer the consequences.  I still have much of the same drive and determination I always did but I now work on my bodies timetable.

Instead of eating what ever, when ever I have to plan my meals.  I rarely if ever feel really hungry (a side effect from my anticonvulsant) but my body needs good, whole foods to decrease inflammation in my brain and help me heal.  I can no longer eat wheat and most dairy because my body doesn't tolerate it well.  I'm not following some weird, quirky trend. I am listening when my body tells me it would rather have yummy left overs for breakfast than sugary cereal.

I have always been a morning person.  I have always enjoyed going to bed fairly early.  I like sleep.  Now I have to do as much as possible before noon or it will not get done and my list will grow. I have to schedule appointments and telephone calls early in the day or risk not being able communicate my needs.  Now I have to rest or sleep in the afternoon or I will not be able to function through dinner.  Now I always sleep when I am tired because I am listening to my body.

I love exercise and fitness classes.  I know you are thinking, really?? No it's true, I do.  I loved being a member of the gym, taking dance and yoga classes.  I love walking, hiking and swimming.  My body feels wonderful and alive when I am done.  My truth is I rarely made time for those activities because I had scheduled myself too tight during the day and I felt guilty leaving my family in the evening.  Now I have tons of time during the day but less freedom, money and energy.  I can't even safely walk the dogs or go snow shoeing alone. Evening classes would be a disaster.  What I do have is a computer, DVD player, space, yoga mat, weights, running shoes.  In order to listen to my bodies needs I workout every morning before 9 and feel fabulous for it.  If I can drop a few pounds in the process that would be great but it's not the goal.

Pain is bad.  If I am feeling pain anywhere it means I need to stop and listen to what my body is trying to say.  I can't mask pain and carry on like I use to with over the counter medication or I risk having a stroke.  So now I listen and the pain will subside with ice and sleep.

Listen, always listen, to what your body is telling you.  Your body knows what it needs. 

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