Tuesday 24 January 2012

If I only knew and the conflict between two minds...

I want to start my post by saying that I never intended this blog to be everything AVM.  I usually have many opinions that I like to share on lots of subjects.  I once considered myself an expert on many things.  I thought I would write about those things.  As it turns out the monster who lives in my brain, aka the AVM, rules my world.  This is not my choice but my new normal.

My Mom recently asked me if I knew then what I know now would I have chosen to have Gamma Knife Surgery.  The answer with out a doubt was - No, never!  I wish I never knew.  I wish I could have continued to live my life as I was. I wish I had my life back. I wish to live seizure and side effect free.  I wish for simple. Gamma was my only option besides do nothing.  I was reassured that it was safe and side effects were rare.  I was assured I could return to work as normal after 48 hours.

This has not been my experience.  I am currently waiting to hear from my Neurologist.  I need answers that I hope he can provide without me traveling to Toronto.  I am emotional, tired, angry and continuing to have seizure activity.  I didn't sign up for this.

My friend Melissa reminded me this morning that my side effects could indicate that the treatment is working.  I needed to hear that and I thank her.  It has put things back into perspective a little.

I chose to have Gamma because doing nothing was not an option.  I don't want to have a stroke and risk dying at 36.  I watched close up what it was like for three boys to lose their Daddy and his Wife and family struggle to carry on without him.  I don't want that for John or my children if I can do anything to prevent it.  I want to help raise my young family, even if it means I have to do it differently.  I want to live a productive life even if it is not the life I originally chose.

Today I choose to make peace with my side effects.  I will take them as they come.  I will cope the best I can.  I will continue to self advocate and ask questions.  I will call my Cardiologist and actually acknowledge that something is wrong with my heart.  I will continue to ask for and accept the support and understanding of John, my family and friends even when I make it hard.   I will try to remember that my children are just that, children, and they will not always be sympathetic to the situation and that's okay. I will continue to heal on my monsters time table.


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